1. Oil Paintings reproduction ordering.
Start from "Order Painting" button, located just below the painting of your choice. You will be automatically transferred to the product page, where you can choose from available standard sizes or request a custom one. Transaction is through SSL server, thus your credit card details remain absolutely confidential. All major credit card brands are accepted: PayPal, Visa, MasterCard,
American Express and Discover/Novus Charge cards and also all the other card types, derivatives of these brands. For example: Visa check cards and debit cards, MasterCard, MasterMoney, EuroCard, etc.
2. Ordering paintings, not listed in the catalog.
You can order any Art Reproduction , at any custom size. Fill in our Order Form and give your requirements. We will get in touch in a due course.
The copyright subsist on all original work for 70 years after European artists' death and 50 years for non-European.
3. Ordering an oil portrait painting.
Scan your photo, ( JPEG format ) and send it to our email address as an attachment. It would be best if the photo is with the highest resolution possible, so that we do not miss a detail.
For special requirements, fill in the order form.
Click on the "buy painting" button, next to the size and price of your choice.
If you want any correction to your oil portrait, please send the canvas back for correction.
4. How to order an original painting?
Browse through the original paintings link and click on the chosen painting.
Note: However you can only choose from the listed paintings. We can not change
sizes or other stuff.
There is a constant renewal in the original paintings gallery, just stay in touch to see our latest works.
5. Shipping charges and delivery time.
We ship worldwide. The standard shipping charge is $40 by Express Mail Service, which usually takes three-five business days. A faster delivery option is FedEx, which costs $80, two-three business days. We do not ship to PO Boxes . Shipping tax is one time charge and is not dependent on the number of paintings you order, for example if you order more than one painting at a time you will be charged with only one shipping. The oil paintings need at least 3 or 5 weeks to reach the highest quality and get dry . Time depends on the complexity of the painting and we inform you of the expected shipping date and stage of completion .
6. Do you frame the reproductions?
We do not frame the oil paintings, because every house has its style and design and the frame of a painting should suit the specific interior and you can make the best choice for it. There are lots of frameshops, where you'll be advised and helped in selecting the frame.
Another important reason is safety. The oil paintings are shipped, rolled in secure post tubes. The risk of damaging a framed painting during transit is much greater.
7. How is the oil painting reproduction done?
Our Oil Paintings are entirely hand- painted with no artificial methods. We paint on linen canvas with oil paints of French quality brands. Our painters graduated from art schools, and every one of us is a master in a specific field , which allows us to reproduce the original to the highest point of perfection . These abilities have been acquired for a long creative period and that's why our oil paintings are so fine, bearing every brush stroke and spirit of the original Masters.
8. Return Policy.
Our Reproductions Gallery wants you to be delighted with your purchase, and we will do our best to meet your expectations. If you are not completely satisfied -for any reason- with a painting you received, return the item undamaged within 2 day of receipt for correction or a full refund . Under no circumstances will a refund be granted after this time.
The refund will NOT include shipping costs, duty or customs fees (if applicable). To apply for this benefit the oil painting should be in the original condition and packaging with no signs of damage. The credit will be applied once the painting has been received and it's condition checked.
To request a return, you must have good reasons and we ask that you first send photos of the area/ product, which you are not satisfied with. Please contact us by e-mail, explain the problem, and you will be given instructions on how to proceed.
Any customer returning items totaling a value greater than $500.00 will be charged a 25% restocking fee.
All paintings must be returned in their original condition (undamaged).
9. Special services.
For the most exacting clients we offer special services. We will convey the effect of a coat of yellowing varnish or ageing the texture of the paint for an absolute similarity to the original . The painting will bear every mark of the original and also be surface-cracked. However this will cost a little more, and is a subject of an additional discussion. Choose your painting and contact us. We will get in touch within 24 hours. Please visit the Reproduction Samples link to see some such examples.
10. Privacy Policy.
We only store information, which our visitors wish to provide. This information is necessary to complete the order: name and delivery address, though we would also like information, that facilitates communication, such as e-mail address and telephone number. We keep e-mail addresses we receive, and use them only to contact customers regarding their order and analyze our business history. We never provide our clients' e-mail addresses to other firms or persons under any conditions. We follow a strict confidentiality policy and do not send promotional messages or information on new services under any circumstances. We collect statistical information from the visitors of our website such as: which country they are from, most visited pages, web browser used and how long they stay at our site.
11. Terms & Conditions.
Website Access
We grant you a limited access and make personal use of the website as our customer. However, you are not permitted to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell or otherwise exploit the website or any product image, product listing, product description, videos price, page layout, page design, trade dress, trademark, logo or other content for any commercial purpose. Not permitted to use any meta tags, search terms, key terms, or the like that contain the website's name or trademarks used on the website.
All Website Content is our property, public domain or the property of our content suppliers and is protected by international copyright laws. All Website Content that is not our property or public domain is used with permission.
Pricing and Availability
The price you will pay for the products is the prices shown on the website. Despite our best efforts, a small number of the items shown on the website may be unavailable. We reserve the right to change the prices of the products at any time.
Product Descriptions
We attempt to describe our products offered as accurately and completely as possible. If a product offered by us and purchased by you is not as described, your sole remedy is to return it in unused condition for a conforming replacement or refund.
Time for Creation
Hand-Painted Art Reproductions must not be rushed as they need time to reach the high quality and precision and also for getting dry. We need 3-4 weeks from order placement date to complete and deliver your order. The time needed varies for every painting, depends of complexity and size.
Return Rights
Allartclassic.com is committed to quality products and your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
If for some reason you are not satisfied with your order, you can return it within 2 days of its receipt in order to correct some details or receive a full refund of the amount. Nevertheless, you should take into account that this policy is implemented entirely at our discretion and you must have a good reason for request for returning the item. We ask you to contact us in advance by e-mail: info@reproductionsart.com, so we can clear up the problem. Shipping charges will not be refunded.
If your order arrives with damages from the transportation, simply take one digital photo of the item and one of the shipping container it arrived in, attach them to an email and send to info@reproductionsart.com. Please include in the email: your order number, the painting name and brief description of the reason for the return, and let us know whether you are seeking a replacement or a refund.
If you would prefer to ship your item(s) please use original packaging and include all documents that came with your order. Be sure to specify the reason for the return, and what action you would like us to take correction, free replacement or refund.
You should use a trackable method, so we can check shipment's status at any time.