Oil Painting Reproductions Art Reproductions and Oil Portrait

Oil Painting Reproduction of
Famous World Masterpieces,
Oil Paintings for Sale.

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City and Village Landscapes
Mountains and Forest Landscapes
Multi Figurative
Figurative Art
Mythological Paintings
Animals & Wildlife Paintings
Sacred Art
Sea Landscapes
Paintings of Flowers
Portrait oil painting
Still Life Paintings

A Gust of Wind
Art Reproductions
A Gust of Wind
Oil on canvas, 20x12 inches
Private Collection
Falling Apple Blossoms
Art Reproductions
Falling Apple Blossoms
Oil on canvas, 30x18 inches
Private Collection
Lady with a Parasol
Art Reproductions
Lady with a Parasol
Oil on canvas, 30X50 inches
Private Collection
Looking Out to Sea
Art Reproductions
Looking Out to Sea
Oil on canvas, 44x36 inches
Private Collection
The Flight into Egypt , 1892
Art Reproductions
The Flight into Egypt , 1892
Oil on canvas, 44x65 inches
Private Collection
The Wayfarers , 1890
Art Reproductions
The Wayfarers , 1890
Oil on canvas, 43x35 inches
Private Collection
Blessed Mother , 1892
Art Reproductions
Blessed Mother , 1892
Oil on canvas, 62x44 inches
Private Collection
The flower of scotland
Art Reproductions
The flower of scotland
Oil on canvas, 35x44 inches
Fondation de l'Hermitage, Switzerland
The Village Blacksmith
Art Reproductions
The Village Blacksmith
Oil on canvas, 36x20 inches
Private Collection
Contentment , 1881
Art Reproductions
Contentment , 1881
Oil on canvas
Columbus Museum, USA
Taking His Ease , 1885
Art Reproductions
Taking His Ease , 1885
Oil on canvas, 16x20 inches
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Morning, 1902
Art Reproductions
Morning, 1902
Oil on canvas, 34 3/4 x 25 inches
Private Collection
Study for the Orange Robe, 1908
Art Reproductions
Study for the Orange Robe, 1908
Oil on canvas, 20x18 inches
Private Collection
By the Fireside, 1909
Art Reproductions
By the Fireside, 1909
Oil on canvas
Central Junior High School, Lawrence, KS.
Rosemary and the Goldfish, 1930
Art Reproductions
Rosemary and the Goldfish, 1930
Oil on canvas
Private Collection
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